Frequently asked questions from Dr. Saman



To see Dr. Saman, we recommend consulting with your General Practitioner (GP) to determine if a referral is necessary. In certain cases, such as medical issues or prior nose injuries, a referral from your GP may be beneficial. During your initial consultation with Dr. Saman, our approach is medically focused; However, it’s important to note that if your surgery is cosmetic, it may not be covered by some insurances. Our team is available to assist you in understanding your options and navigating the process.


Dr. Saman holds new consultations on Saturday, Monday and Wednesday in Tehran Clinic.

You need to have a clear understanding of what you dislike about your nose and what specific changes you would like to make. This level of detail will greatly aid in the consultation, ensuring that your concerns and goals are addressed comprehensively. Also, make a list of all your questions that you want to ask from Dr Saman.

During your initial consultation with Dr. Saman, you'll undergo several important steps:

  1. Medical History: To review your medical history and discuss any previous nose surgeries or related procedures and addressing any pre-existing health conditions.
  2. Discussion of Aesthetic and Functional Concerns: You'll have the opportunity to discuss your aesthetic concerns related to your nose, such as the size, shape, or symmetry. Additionally, any functional issues like breathing difficulties will be addressed.
  3. Understanding Your Goals: Dr. Saman will work with you to understand your goals for rhinoplasty. It's crucial to communicate your expectations clearly to ensure the best possible outcome.
  4. ENT Examination: Dr. Saman will perform an ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat) examination using a Nasendoscopy. This diagnostic tool allows for a detailed assessment of the internal structure of your nose, aiding in the surgical planning process.
  5. Computer Imaging: You'll undergo computer imaging to visualize potential outcomes of the surgery. This will provide you with a realistic expectation of what is achievable.
  6. Information Session: Dr. Saman will provide you with comprehensive information about the rhinoplasty procedure, including potential risks and complications, and what to expect before, during, and after the surgery.
  7.  Financial Considerations: Our cosmetic consultant will provide you with a quote for the surgery and information regarding availability and scheduling. They will also discuss any additional clearances or medical assessments required before booking the surgery.
  8. Follow-up: Depending on the complexity of your case, further medical or specialist clearance may be necessary before scheduling the surgery.

This consultation process is designed to ensure that all aspects of your rhinoplasty journey are carefully considered and discussed, from your medical history to your desired aesthetic outcomes and the surgical details involved.

The price of rhinoplasty surgery can vary widely depending on several factors, including the complexity of the procedure, the surgeon's experience, and the location where the surgery is performed. Dr. Saman is known for his meticulous attention to detail and personalized approach to rhinoplasty, ensuring that each patient's unique needs are addressed.

For more specific information about the cost of rhinoplasty and to discuss your individual needs, please contact us at [09120748236] or []. We'll be happy to provide you with a detailed estimate and answer any questions you may have about the procedure and its associated costs.

Yes, private health funds can potentially cover a portion of the costs associated with a rhinoseptoplasty. Dr. Saman is experienced in determining when a procedure may qualify as medically necessary rather than purely cosmetic. Prior to your procedure, a comprehensive medical history and physical examination will be conducted to ascertain if medical item numbers are appropriate, potentially leading to coverage from your health fund.

Yes, hospital admission is necessary for your rhinoseptoplasty procedure. Dr. Saman performs surgeries at Nikan hospital. During your consultation, our team will provide you with all the necessary information regarding your hospital stay and pre- and post-operative care. If you have any specific concerns or questions regarding your procedure, please don't hesitate to reach out to contact us.

Dr Saman does not operate in public hospitals.

Yes, all of our surgical procedures, including rhinoseptoplasty, are performed under a general anaesthetic. This ensures your comfort and safety during the procedure.

Yes, Dr Saman performs all surgeries himself. He is a skilled and experienced facial plastic surgeon, ensuring that each procedure is carried out with the highest level of expertise and attention to detail.

For rhinoseptoplasty, patients typically go home the same day after their surgery. However, some patients, particularly those with specific medical conditions or who do not have someone to assist them at home, may stay one night at the hospital. This is done to ensure that they receive proper care and monitoring during the immediate post-operative period. It is essential to have a family member or friend available to take care of you when you return home, as you may experience some discomfort and require assistance with daily activities. Dr. Saman will provide you with detailed post-operative care instructions, including guidance on what to expect and how to manage any discomfort or pain at home.

Recovery times after rhinoseptoplasty vary depending on the nature of your work. Dr. Saman usually provides a medical certificate for two weeks post-surgery. The plaster is typically removed one week after the operation, and many patients are ready to return to work after about 10-14 days. While some patients may experience slight bruising or swelling of their cheeks, it can generally be easily concealed with makeup. Dr. Saman typically schedules a follow-up visit about six weeks after the procedure and then at six-month intervals for up to 12-18 months, allowing your nose to settle fully over time. This comprehensive approach ensures that you receive the necessary support and monitoring during your recovery, and that any concerns are addressed promptly.

Dr. Saman Shahidi is highly skilled in closed rhinoplasty, an intricate method that focuses on modifying the nasal framework through hidden incisions. Unlike open rhinoplasty, which allows for direct visualization of the nasal structures, closed rhinoplasty is performed using internal nasal incisions. This technique requires specialized expertise, often involving the use of cartilage grafts from the patient's own body to achieve desired changes. The primary objective is to improve both the appearance and long-term structural integrity of the nose. Dr. Shahidi's extensive experience and dedication to this method have established him as a top choice for patients seeking closed rhinoplasty.

The minimum age for rhinoplasty is 18.

I am interested in undergoing a surgical procedure with Dr Saman. Where should I start?

If you're considering undergoing a surgical procedure with Dr. Saman the first step is to reach out to our clinic by calling 09120748236. Our friendly team is here to assist you and address any questions or concerns you may have.

Living interstate shouldn't deter you from seeking a consultation with Dr. Saman. Initially, you'll need to come to Tehran for an in-person consultation where Dr. Saman will assess you both externally and internally.

Following your consultation, most questions can be addressed over the phone, and we can arrange your pre-op appointment remotely to avoid an extra trip to Tehran. For the surgery, you'll need to be in Tehran for 8-10 days (depending on your cast removal appointment). It's essential to have someone in Tehran to care for you during the first part of this post-op phase. You'll then return to Tehran for a check-up 4-6 weeks later and again in 4-6 months, depending on your healing process. Multiple trips to Tehran may be necessary, so keep that in mind when planning your treatment with Dr. Saman.

In case you have just recently injured and broken your nose, it's imperative to contact our clinic immediately at 09120748236. Our team will be able to ask you specific questions about your injury and provide you with the most appropriate guidance.

At this time, we do not offer payment plans.

Dr. Saman does perform Revision Rhinoplasty, but like any rhinoplasty procedure, a tailored consultation is essential; during which Dr. Shahidi will assess your individual needs and provide personalized recommendations. It's crucial to have a thorough examination and discussion before proceeding with the procedure.

In the realm of aesthetic enhancements, decisions regarding nose surgeries can be pivotal. Often, individuals contemplate whether to opt for nose tip surgery or undergo a full rhinoplasty to achieve their desired aesthetic goals. Understanding the nuances between these procedures is crucial in making an informed choice that aligns with your expectations. Here, we delve into the considerations surrounding when to choose nose tip surgery over full rhinoplasty, providing insights to help you navigate this decision-making process effectively.
For many, achieving one’s desired aesthetic outcomes doesn’t always necessitate a full-scale rhinoplasty procedure. Sometimes the aesthetic improvements you’re looking for can be achieved with nose tip surgery rather than a full rhinoplasty. In such cases, opting for a tip refinement procedure could serve as a viable alternative.
If your concerns are centered around the appearance of the tip, nasal tip refinement may be sufficient for you. If you’re looking for a more dramatic result that involves other parts of the nose, then a full rhinoplasty may be a better choice.
A nose tip job can effectively address a number of issues to elevate your aesthetic appeal and improve your self-esteem. Before your consultation, check out these common aesthetic concerns to help you determine whether rhinoplasty tip refinement is the right choice for you.

Droopy Tip:

A droopy tip can appear just when you smile or it may be apparent all the time. It can be a genetic trait or the result of a previous rhinoplasty. This cosmetic concern can be altered with a nasal tip rotation surgery that focuses exclusively on lifting and refining the nose tip. This procedure internally points the tip of the nose upwards, increasing the angle between the upper lip and the bottom edge of the nose, getting rid of the “droopy” appearance.
There are a variety of ways that Dr. Miller can effectively address a droopy tip. These can include trimming excess cartilage, shortening the nasal septum, or reducing the length of the lateral cartilage. Sutures can be used on lower lateral cartilage to lift the tip, or a graft could be used to increase nasal tip support.

Upturned Tip:

An upturned tip requires the opposite of the fix for a droopy nose. A nose derotation procedure lowers the upturned tip, decreasing the angle between the upper lip and the bottom edge of the nose. A tip refinement rhinoplasty can often address this issue without the need for a full rhinoplasty.

Bulbous Tip:

A bulbous tip appears round, like a bulb on the end of the nose. Making this shape less circular and more pointed involves nose tip refinement. By altering the cartilage or using sutures to pull the nasal structure forward, Dr. Miller can resolve a bulbous tip and create a more aesthetically pleasing profile.

Overprojected Tip:

An over-projected tip extends out farther than the average nose. Dr. Miller can effectively reduce the overall size of the nose to bring it into proportion with the rest of the facial features. To refine the tip of the nose, Dr. Miller may remove cartilage from the area. This creates a smaller projection that matches the visual goals of the patient. A full rhinoplasty may also be required to adjust the nasal bridge as well as the tip.

Wide Nostrils:

Wide nostrils can create a broader base to the nose that may look out of proportion with the other facial features. Dr. Miller can effectively reduce the lower lateral cartilage to create smaller nostrils, and pull them forward to produce a better aesthetic. If you’re dealing with wide nostrils, rhinoplasty for tip refinement may be a great choice for you. If you have wide nostrils and other nasal structure issues that you’d like to have addressed, a full rhinoplasty would be a better option.

Why should you choose Nose tip surgery?

The motivations for selecting tip refinement, either independently or as a substitute for rhinoplasty, vary among patients. Typically, it’s aimed at correcting a bulbous or excessively full appearance at the nose tip. Others may find their natural nose structure undesirable, such as those with hooked, drooping, or upturned noses. Tip refinement procedures can significantly influence the overall aesthetic of the nose and face, often aiming to achieve a more streamlined appearance.

Also, tip refinement isn’t always confined to cosmetic enhancement; in certain scenarios, it may be deemed medically necessary. For instance, an irregularly-shaped nasal tip might impede breathing, leading to difficulties in daily activities or even sleep-related issues like improper breathing and snoring. Additionally, sinus infections could stem from such abnormalities, with tip refinement often serving as an effective remedy. Some patients might also experience speech impediments attributable to nasal tip irregularities.

Benefits of Nose Tip Surgery:

There are some benefits to choosing a refined tip rhinoplasty over a full rhinoplasty:

    • Recovery time may be quicker

    • Less bruising and swelling after surgery

    • Tip of nose rhinoplasty might cost less

    • Results last as long as full rhinoplasty

    • Very satisfying results for the right patient

A nasal tip rhinoplasty may not be the right choice if you want correction to your nasal bridge or you have structural issues that impact your breathing. A consultation with an experienced rhinoplasty surgeon will help you determine the best approach for you.

In conclusion, deciding between nose tip surgery and full rhinoplasty requires careful consideration of your aesthetic goals, anatomical features, and desired outcomes. By understanding the specific concerns each procedure addresses and consulting with a qualified rhinoplasty surgeon, you can make an informed decision that leads to a successful and satisfying outcome. If you’re contemplating nose tip surgery, reach out to our experienced team for personalized guidance and comprehensive care tailored to your unique needs

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To see Dr. Saman, we recommend consulting with your General Practitioner (GP) to determine if a referral is necessary. In certain cases, such as medical issues or prior nose injuries, a referral from your GP may be beneficial. During your initial consultation with Dr. Saman, our approach is medically focused; However, it’s important to note that if your surgery is cosmetic, it may not be covered by some insurances. Our team is available to assist you in understanding your options and navigating the process.


Dr. Saman holds new consultations on Saturday, Monday and Wednesday in Tehran Clinic.

You need to have a clear understanding of what you dislike about your nose and what specific changes you would like to make. This level of detail will greatly aid in the consultation, ensuring that your concerns and goals are addressed comprehensively. Also, make a list of all your questions that you want to ask from Dr Saman.

During your initial consultation with Dr. Saman, you'll undergo several important steps:

  1. Medical History: To review your medical history and discuss any previous nose surgeries or related procedures and addressing any pre-existing health conditions.
  2. Discussion of Aesthetic and Functional Concerns: You'll have the opportunity to discuss your aesthetic concerns related to your nose, such as the size, shape, or symmetry. Additionally, any functional issues like breathing difficulties will be addressed.
  3. Understanding Your Goals: Dr. Saman will work with you to understand your goals for rhinoplasty. It's crucial to communicate your expectations clearly to ensure the best possible outcome.
  4. ENT Examination: Dr. Saman will perform an ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat) examination using a Nasendoscopy. This diagnostic tool allows for a detailed assessment of the internal structure of your nose, aiding in the surgical planning process.
  5. Computer Imaging: You'll undergo computer imaging to visualize potential outcomes of the surgery. This will provide you with a realistic expectation of what is achievable.
  6. Information Session: Dr. Saman will provide you with comprehensive information about the rhinoplasty procedure, including potential risks and complications, and what to expect before, during, and after the surgery.
  7.  Financial Considerations: Our cosmetic consultant will provide you with a quote for the surgery and information regarding availability and scheduling. They will also discuss any additional clearances or medical assessments required before booking the surgery.
  8. Follow-up: Depending on the complexity of your case, further medical or specialist clearance may be necessary before scheduling the surgery.

This consultation process is designed to ensure that all aspects of your rhinoplasty journey are carefully considered and discussed, from your medical history to your desired aesthetic outcomes and the surgical details involved.

The price of rhinoplasty surgery can vary widely depending on several factors, including the complexity of the procedure, the surgeon's experience, and the location where the surgery is performed. Dr. Saman is known for his meticulous attention to detail and personalized approach to rhinoplasty, ensuring that each patient's unique needs are addressed.

For more specific information about the cost of rhinoplasty and to discuss your individual needs, please contact us at [09120748236] or []. We'll be happy to provide you with a detailed estimate and answer any questions you may have about the procedure and its associated costs.

Yes, private health funds can potentially cover a portion of the costs associated with a rhinoseptoplasty. Dr. Saman is experienced in determining when a procedure may qualify as medically necessary rather than purely cosmetic. Prior to your procedure, a comprehensive medical history and physical examination will be conducted to ascertain if medical item numbers are appropriate, potentially leading to coverage from your health fund.

Yes, hospital admission is necessary for your rhinoseptoplasty procedure. Dr. Saman performs surgeries at Nikan hospital. During your consultation, our team will provide you with all the necessary information regarding your hospital stay and pre- and post-operative care. If you have any specific concerns or questions regarding your procedure, please don't hesitate to reach out to contact us.

Dr Saman does not operate in public hospitals.

Yes, all of our surgical procedures, including rhinoseptoplasty, are performed under a general anaesthetic. This ensures your comfort and safety during the procedure.

Yes, Dr Saman performs all surgeries himself. He is a skilled and experienced facial plastic surgeon, ensuring that each procedure is carried out with the highest level of expertise and attention to detail.

For rhinoseptoplasty, patients typically go home the same day after their surgery. However, some patients, particularly those with specific medical conditions or who do not have someone to assist them at home, may stay one night at the hospital. This is done to ensure that they receive proper care and monitoring during the immediate post-operative period. It is essential to have a family member or friend available to take care of you when you return home, as you may experience some discomfort and require assistance with daily activities. Dr. Saman will provide you with detailed post-operative care instructions, including guidance on what to expect and how to manage any discomfort or pain at home.

Recovery times after rhinoseptoplasty vary depending on the nature of your work. Dr. Saman usually provides a medical certificate for two weeks post-surgery. The plaster is typically removed one week after the operation, and many patients are ready to return to work after about 10-14 days. While some patients may experience slight bruising or swelling of their cheeks, it can generally be easily concealed with makeup. Dr. Saman typically schedules a follow-up visit about six weeks after the procedure and then at six-month intervals for up to 12-18 months, allowing your nose to settle fully over time. This comprehensive approach ensures that you receive the necessary support and monitoring during your recovery, and that any concerns are addressed promptly.

Dr. Saman Shahidi is highly skilled in closed rhinoplasty, an intricate method that focuses on modifying the nasal framework through hidden incisions. Unlike open rhinoplasty, which allows for direct visualization of the nasal structures, closed rhinoplasty is performed using internal nasal incisions. This technique requires specialized expertise, often involving the use of cartilage grafts from the patient's own body to achieve desired changes. The primary objective is to improve both the appearance and long-term structural integrity of the nose. Dr. Shahidi's extensive experience and dedication to this method have established him as a top choice for patients seeking closed rhinoplasty.

The minimum age for rhinoplasty is 18.

I am interested in undergoing a surgical procedure with Dr Saman. Where should I start?

If you're considering undergoing a surgical procedure with Dr. Saman the first step is to reach out to our clinic by calling 09120748236. Our friendly team is here to assist you and address any questions or concerns you may have.

Living interstate shouldn't deter you from seeking a consultation with Dr. Saman. Initially, you'll need to come to Tehran for an in-person consultation where Dr. Saman will assess you both externally and internally.

Following your consultation, most questions can be addressed over the phone, and we can arrange your pre-op appointment remotely to avoid an extra trip to Tehran. For the surgery, you'll need to be in Tehran for 8-10 days (depending on your cast removal appointment). It's essential to have someone in Tehran to care for you during the first part of this post-op phase. You'll then return to Tehran for a check-up 4-6 weeks later and again in 4-6 months, depending on your healing process. Multiple trips to Tehran may be necessary, so keep that in mind when planning your treatment with Dr. Saman.

In case you have just recently injured and broken your nose, it's imperative to contact our clinic immediately at 09120748236. Our team will be able to ask you specific questions about your injury and provide you with the most appropriate guidance.

At this time, we do not offer payment plans.

Dr. Saman does perform Revision Rhinoplasty, but like any rhinoplasty procedure, a tailored consultation is essential; during which Dr. Shahidi will assess your individual needs and provide personalized recommendations. It's crucial to have a thorough examination and discussion before proceeding with the procedure.